Thursday, February 16, 2012


I've searched through every detail. How could I not see this coming? I know what this means, I know that the end must be near. He has always been truthful with me. He has always told me what is to come. He always told me that In the end there can be only one. He never promised that in the  end I would be the last. Perhaps I foolishly believed to myself that if I did all that He asked... in the end I would be the only one left. But how can that be true? How did my last victim know my name? I did not miss a detail. I did not make a mistake! I did not reveal the truth to anyone! I did  not, I did not, I did not!! He has betrayed me. Who knows how many are truly left? Now do I wait and become the next? Do I give the satisfaction to another cleanser? Do I give him the satisfaction of knowing that he manipulated me and controlled me and used me? I think not. I think it's time for me to be in control.  I think it is inevitable and yes the end is the inevitable however I shall choose when and how the end comes, for it's easy to see that in the end there can be only one. What a fool I have been. 

He will see that I maintain control. He will know the price that his betrayal has cost.  And now I close my eyes waiting to take this one last step and the tightening of the rope and the conclusion of the pain. 

Doctor's Note:
The deceased had been treated by myself for the last 6 months. Clinical diagnosis was late stage psychosis and schizophrenic multiple personality disorder.  As of late the patient had been showing signs of extreme paranoia however of the 29 different personalities documented we had successfully eliminated 28. She was missing appointments and claiming she could only meet if it was going to rain.  She had been unreachable for the last week. 
It is with great regret that patient has taken her own life. Treatment was nearing completion and despite the erratic behavior as of late,  she had responded effectively. She was working hard but making progress...At the end of each treatment we would repeat together, "remember, in the end there can be only one."

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